Reckless Driving
Arizona Reckless Driving Laws
Phoenix Reckless Driving Lawyer, Sheena Lemmons

If you or a loved on have been charged with reckless driving in Maricopa County, Arizona, you have come to the right place for answers from a skilled criminal traffic attorney.
The state of Arizona commonly charges violations for reckless driving, a class 2 misdemeanor. With very congested roads, the metro Phoenix area has an interest of deterring potentially dangerous driving behavior to protect others. It is not out of place to see charges of reckless driving added alongside other types of vehicular offenses such as driving under the influence (DUI).
As a Phoenix DUI & Criminal Traffic Lawyer, Civil Rights Restored is ready to defend your case and challenge the State’s evidence against you. We find the problems in your case and try for dismissal, reduced charges, or mitigate the damage to get you the most favorable result possible.
What is Reckless Driving in Arizona?
A person may be found guilty of violating reckless driving A.R.S. 28-693 (2022) if:
- A person drives a vehicle in reckless disregard for the safety of people or property.
Each case is different depending on the specific facts and circumstance of the situation. A person acts “recklessly” if they unreasonably disregard a substantial and unjustifiable risk.
Is Being Drunk a Defense to Reckless Driving in Arizona?
No, if a person became impaired voluntarily. For example, it is not a defense to reckless driving to be voluntarily intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. The act of becoming voluntarily intoxicated and then driving can be seen as an unreasonable risk in which the person disregards by proceeding to drive while impaired. On the other hand, a defense may exist where a person is involuntarily intoxicated against their will or knowledge.
There are many potential defenses to reckless driving and each case has its own unique set of facts and circumstances. It is important to discuss your case with a competent Scottsdale reckless driving attorney at Civil Rights Restored.
Consequences of a Reckless Driving Conviction in Arizona
A first-time conviction for the offense of reckless driving in Arizona is a class 2 misdemeanor.
Driver’s License Suspension
Up to a ninety (90) day suspension period on your privilege to drive.
Second Conviction for Reckless Driving in Arizona
A second conviction for reckless driving in twenty-four (24) months is a class 1 misdemeanor.
Do You Go to Jail for a Second Reckless Driving Conviction in Arizona?
Yes. The consequences are more serious for a subsequent conviction of reckless driving and the person is not eligible for probation, pardon, suspension of sentence or release on any basis until the person has served not less than twenty (20) days in jail.
Is There Work Release in Arizona for a Reckless Driving Conviction?
Yes, work release may be available. The court may provide in the sentence that if the person is employed or is a student they can continue employment or schooling for up to twelve (12) hours per day, five (5) days a week. The person is allowed out of jail only long enough to complete their actual hours of employment or schooling and must serve the remaining parts of the day in jail until their sentence is complete.
What Happens to Your Driver’s License After a Second Reckless Driving Conviction?
The Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) will suspend the person’s driving privileges for at least one (1) year. After serving forty-five (45) consecutive days of the suspension, the person may apply to the MVD for a restricted driver license.
Ready to Begin Building Your Defense?
If you are ready to begin resolving your case, get started by contacting Phoenix DUI & Criminal Traffic Attorney, Sheena Lemmons at Civil Rights Restored for a free consultation. We are skilled in modern and aggressive criminal defense strategies and will work to get the most favorable outcome for you and your family.
Call us at (480) 759-7479 or use the contact form.
Start fixing this today.