Driving Under the Influence
Skilled and Aggressive Phoenix DUI Lawyer

Free Initial Consultations
If you or a loved one have been arrested on suspicion of DUI in Arizona, there is a lot at stake. You need an aggressive Phoenix DUI lawyer at Civil Rights Restored to defend your rights. The beginning stages of a criminal prosecution are critical. It is important to act now in the interest of your case. Call now for a free consultation with a skilled DUI defense attorney.
Menu of DUI Offenses
Arrested for DUI in Arizona – Next Steps
Phoenix DUI Lawyer Vigorously Defending Your Rights Against the State

Have you been arrested, charged, or awaiting charges for DUI of alcohol, prescription drugs or illicit drugs in Maricopa County, Arizona? If so, you should know that you are facing staunch prosecutorial adversaries intending to strap you with a class one misdemeanor or felony conviction that will appear on a background check.
Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs as a category of crimes are vigorously prosecuted by city and county prosecutors in a state with some of the country’s most severe penalties. You need an aggressive criminal defense attorney skilled at defending DUI’s in your corner.
Our Civil Rights Restored Phoenix DUI lawyer operates in courts in in Maricopa County and the surrounding areas. We are prepared to work with you to start building your defense today.
We are ready to defend your case. Contact us to discuss your case with a DUI defense attorney.
Phoenix DUI Lawyer is Accepting New Clients Facing DUI Charges

DUI – Alcohol
The State aggressively prosecutes alcohol-related DUI charges. We challenge the evidence against you ranging from any chemical testing to field sobriety tests. Call and speak to an Arizona DUI attorney for more information.

DUI – Prescription Drugs
A person may be charged with DUI on suspicion of being intoxicated on prescription medication. Call to discuss your potential defenses with our Phoenix DUI lawyer today.
DUI – Illicit Drugs / Marijuana

Although cannabis is legal for medical and responsible adult-use in Arizona, it is a crime to be behind the wheel if you are impaired to the slightest degree. See our DUI Drugs page for more and call us to speak with a DUI defense attorney today.
What are the Penalties for a DUI in Arizona?

A conviction for a first-time offender of Arizona’s least serious DUI statute, A.R.S. § 28-1381(A)(1), driving while impaired to the slightest degree, requires a mandatory minimum of 10 days in jail, of which, at least 1 day (24 hours) must be served behind bars at the local jail.
Arizona law requires:
- Huge monetary fines greater than most other traffic offenses,
- Temporary loss of your driving privileges,
- Mandatory substance abuse screening, treatment and education, as well as the
- Installation, and monthly maintenance of a certified ignition interlock device (IID) on your car.
The consequences of a DUI conviction easily runs into the thousands of dollars in expenses.
Unfortunately, the consequences for subsequent DUI offenses are exponentially worse and may result in felony charges.
Call Civil Rights Restored today to speak with an experienced Phoenix DUI lawyer to discuss your defense immediately.

The Most Critical Stages of DUI Defense – Phoenix DUI Lawyer
Some of the most critical stages of DUI defense are at the beginning of your case.
Many people don’t know that if you are stopped by police on suspicion of DUI in Arizona that you may refuse to perform standard field sobriety tests (SFSTs). These tests are voluntary and most commonly include:
- Walk & Turn
- One Leg Stand
- Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus.
SFSTs are primarily used by police officers as a tool to establish probable cause to arrest a person for suspected driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs.
When an officer asks you to perform SFSTs, you should ALWAYS be respectful, calm, and polite when declining to perform the tests.
SFSTs are not the only signs and symptoms of impairment police are looking for when conducting a DUI investigation. Additionally, officers will observe pre-stop driving behavior or violations and post-stop physical signs and symptoms such as odor of alcohol, bloodshot watery eyes, slurred speech, difficulty with fine motor skills, confusion or difficulty following instructions, and other factors.
Therefore, even if a person declines to perform the SFTSs, the officer may still arrest the person if probable cause has already been established by other signs, symptoms, and driving cues observed.

Field Sobriety Tests are Part of a DUI Investigation
Aggressive Advocacy – Phoenix DUI Lawyer
Time is a sensitive matter in a criminal proceeding.
If you or a loved one are facing DUI charges in Arizona, it is important that you consult with a criminal defense attorney immediately so your attorney can negotiate with the State on your behalf. In some instances, your attorney may negotiate for dismissal, a misdemeanor, or reduced charges depending on the facts and circumstances of your case.
Hiring an aggressive criminal defense attorney at Civil Rights Restored to defend charges of DUI is a person’s best defense to help even the playing field against the State and their enormous amount of resources against you.
Call our skilled Phoenix DUI lawyer today (480) 759-7479.
Source for Further Reading

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration: Arizona FY2019 Annual Report
Arizona easily ranks among the top of the list in states with the harshest driving under the influence (DUI) laws in the country. In 2018, approximately 28,000 people were arrested for drunk driving by the Arizona DUI Task Force in the state-wide effort to reduce drug and alcohol-related crashes and fatalities. Arizona’s zero tolerance laws provide that a person may be found guilty of DUI if they are proved to be impaired to the slightest degree. A Phoenix DUI lawyer at CRR can help you understand Arizona’s DUI laws.