DUI With Accident
Phoenix DUI Accident Lawyer

If involved in a motor vehicle accident resulting in injuries and police allege a driver was DUI, serious felony charges could arise. You need to speak with a Phoenix DUI accident lawyer immediately to be advised of your rights. Start building your defense at the critical beginning stages of your case.
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Arizona Felony DUI Defense
DUI Accident Lawyer in Phoenix Arizona

A motor vehicle accident can result in death, serious physical injury, and damage to public and private property. If you are involved in an accident and the officer has probable cause to suspect alcohol or drugs are a contributing factor, you will be required to submit to chemical testing. The purpose of the test is to determine your blood alcohol concentration. Arizona has a zero tolerance policy regarding drunk driving. That means a person may be found guilty of DUI if proved to be impaired to the slightest degree on an intoxicating substance.
You are facing serious felony charges if you are involved in a DUI with a traffic accident and serious physical injury or death results.
It is a mistake to assume that you would be found guilty and decide not to defend against the charges. There are many potential defenses to allegations of DUI. Our Phoenix DUI accident attorney at Civil Rights Restored prepares every case as though it is going to trial. This is how we get results. Through aggressive advocacy from the beginning in order to get the best possible outcome for our clients!
DUI Motor Vehicle Accident Resulting in Injury or Death
Aggravated Assault: Car Accident with Serious Physical Injury and DUI in Arizona
You can expect to be charged with several counts of DUI if you are impaired and involved in a collision where serious physical injury results. You may also be charged with vehicular aggravated assault under A.R.S. § 13-1204. In order to be found guilty of aggravated assault, the state must prove that you intentionally, knowingly or recklessly caused physical injury to another person while using a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument (your car). Additionally, the prosecutor will likely allege it is a “dangerous offense” due to the use of a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. If convicted, a dangerous offense carries very harsh sentencing with long terms of incarceration.
Vehicular Manslaughter: Car Accident With Fatality and DUI in Arizona
You may be charged with vehicular manslaughter if you are involved in a DUI accident resulting in a fatality. In order to be found guilty of vehicular manslaughter, the state must prove that you recklessly caused the death of another person with a vehicle. Again, the state will make a “dangerous offense” allegation in that the vehicle itself is a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument. As noted, a dangerous offense increases the harshness at sentencing and carries long terms of incarceration in the Department of Corrections.
Importantly, our skilled Phoenix DUI accident lawyer is prepared to work for the best possible outcome for your case. Start building your defense today and call now to discuss your case.
Call Civil Rights Restored Phoenix DUI Attorney.
What Are the Consequences For a DUI with Accident in Arizona?
Why You Need to Hire a Lawyer for a Traffic Accident Based on Alcohol or Drugs.
We know that there is a lot at stake when a person is facing charges for a DUI where an accident resulted. A DUI conviction in Arizona can cost thousands of dollars, alone. If there was any serious physical injury, fatality, or hit and run, the person will likely face felony charges. However, our Phoenix DUI accident lawyer, Sheena Lemmons, is prepared to aggressively defend your case.
Sentencing will vary depending on the class of felony being charged, among other circumstances of your case. For example, a felony conviction for DUI resulting in serious physical injury, vehicular aggravated assault, carries a sentencing range of 5 to 15 years of incarceration in the Department of Corrections.
For another example, a felony conviction for DUI resulting in death, vehicular manslaughter, carries a sentencing range of 7 to 21 years imprisonment.
Consequently, these are very serious charges. It is important that if you or a loved one are facing allegations of DUI with an accident to speak with an attorney. Civil Rights Restored Phoenix DUI Lawyer is skilled in this complicated practice area of law and we are ready to help you.
Potential Consequences of a Conviction for a DUI Accident in Arizona:
- Driver’s license revocation;
- Imprisonment;
- Mandatory alcohol or drug screening;
- Court ordered fines, fees, and surcharges;
- Attend Traffic Survival School;
- Attend alcohol treatment classes;
- Probation;
- Possible community service;
- Possible SR-22 required proof of high risk insurance.
Moreover, a felony conviction remains on a person’s criminal history forever. In Arizona, a conviction is searchable by background checkers. Unfortunately, this can cause a person to lose their job or prevent them from qualifying for a new job.
Additionally, a felony conviction in Arizona suspends a person’s civil rights. For example, civil rights include the right to vote, sit on a jury, hold public office, and possess a firearm or ammunition.
Fortunately, at Civil Rights Restored, our skilled Phoenix DUI accident lawyer has many strategies for defending allegations of DUI. We will challenge the state’s “dangerous offense” allegation and look for the issues and weaknesses in your case. We file Constitutional challenges when the state violated your rights and any potential motions on evidentiary issues. Our goal is to get the charges dismissed, reduced, acquitted at trial, and obtain favorable sentencing for our clients.
Call now for a free consultation.
Potential Defenses to DUI Charges in Arizona
Click HERE to find out about some potential defenses to DUI charges in Arizona.
This is not an exhaustive list and is for informational purposes only. Every person’s case is different, so it is important to speak to an Arizona DUI Lawyer skilled at aggressive DUI defense at Civil Rights Restored.
Practice Area – Phoenix Arizona DUI Attorney
Civil Rights Restored is a private criminal defense law firm located in Phoenix, Arizona. Sheena Lemmons, managing attorney, wants to help you resolve your case. If you were arrested, charged, or seek post-conviction relief, we defend cases in the below regions of Arizona. Call for a free consultation.
Maricopa County: DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
Pima County: DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
Pinal County: DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
Yavapai County: DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney
Gila County: DUI and Criminal Defense Attorney